In a show filled with co-host discord, bad cords, and James Nease, the guys go deep in the philosophy of mutualism vs. anarcho-capitalism, property rights, eminent domain, and the future of the economy after QE 3.
Author Archive | chrisspangle
LPIN Podcast Season 2 – 012: Andy Horning for US Senate
Chris Spangle sits down to talk with US Senate candidate Andy Horning for an in-depth interview on running the first negative campaign on voters, why he keeps coming back, and what it’s like inside the Republican Party.
LPIN Podcast Season 2 – 011: Joe Ruiz for Congress, District 2
Congressional District 2 candidate Joe Ruiz discusses his philosophy of government and updates us on his campaign.
We Are Libertarians – 021: Abdul, Romney and the Ron Paul Revolt
By chrisspangle on September 2, 2012 in Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, Gault, Harrington, Podcasts, Romney, ron paul, Spangle, We Are Libertarians
The guys welcome Abdul Hakim Shabazz of to talk about his views on kids these days, Ron Paul and Libertarians. The guys also discuss the RNC convention.
Jeb Bush Warns RNC Attendees Of Bad Cialis Going Around Parking Lot
Link: Jeb Bush Warns RNC Attendees Of Bad Cialis Going Around Parking Lot