It must have been around October or November of 2008. My cell phone rang. It was Republican Indianapolis City Councilor (at-large) Ed Coleman. I had only met Ed a few times and never missed an opportunity to give him grief about intro…
Author Archive | seanshepard
Calm in the Face of Danger: Out of Control Government Agent Accosts Young Men
These young men do a great job staying calm and being respectful in the face of an out-of-control agent of the government who threatens and accosts them, and apparently illegally confined them, without cause. People should always have the right …
Writing In Ron Paul’s Name Would Be a Wasted Vote.
There are a lot of Ron Paul supporters out there who are saying that they will “write in” Ron’s name in the general election if he is not the GOP candidate. I’m going to plead with you not to and here is why.1. Most ballots are electronically sc…
Most Republican Voters: Well Meaning Hypocrites? Santorum, Romney and Ron Paul.
Are most Republican voters well meaning hypocrites or just useful tools? That’s a brutally honest question and here is why I ask it. If you ask a Republican, Conservative or a Tea Party person what they believe about government they will most ofte…
Is Economic Freedom in America on the Wane?
Great (and short) video discussing some chilling facts about the decline of economic freedom in the United States and the connection between economic freedom, economic growth and our standard of living.