Speaker Bosma -I hope you are proud of yourself. Actually, I am quite sure that my hope is unnecessary….I BET you’re proud of yourself. I bet you are gloating to your fellow GOP buddies about you really pulled a good one off. And to…
Archive | GOP
Think of it as about your life, not politics.
By markrutherford on February 10, 2013 in Constitutional Party, Democratic Party, Democrats, GOP, Green party, Libertarian, Libertarian Party, politics, republican, world’s smallest political quiz
Indiana Education Reform: Who Got a Mandate?
By joshfeatherstone on November 9, 2012 in Democrat, Education, Education Reform, Glenda Ritz, GOP, Indiana General Assembly, Indy Democrat, Jon Easter, Mike Pence, Mitch Daniels, School Vouchers, Super-Majority, Superintendent of Public Instruction
The 2012 election is now a few days behind us. What’s left now is just trying to decipher what it all means. Sometimes, it’s easier to tell what voters want. Other times, though, the voters send confusing messages with their decisions…
The GOP Labored Hard to Keep Ron Paul Quiet
By joshfeatherstone on September 3, 2012 in Ben Swann, Fox 19, GOP, Jon Stewart, Michael Steele, Reality Check, republican, Republican National Committee, RNC, ron paul, The Daily Show
It’s Labor Day. A day that most use as an extra day of rest as a reward for their hard work the rest of the year.Today, I am going to show you some hard work done by the Republican Party at their convention last week. Sure, it’s been over f…
Do I Owe the GOP Voters a Round of Applause? Nah.
By joshfeatherstone on August 17, 2012 in Catholic, GOP, mitt romney, Mormon, Paul Ryan, Protestant, republican
I feel like I should give the GOP some credit here. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe.The GOP is the party that questioned Obama’s religion in 2008. And 2009, and 10, and 11, and today. For some reason, the possibility that Obama might even maybe be Muslim, despite …