Who owns this collection of radio waves? We also discuss Rand, Walker, and Where is Chris Gault?
Archive | Harrington
We Are Libertarians – 010: Zombies, Political Movies, and Syria
The guys discuss if we are going to be faced with a Zombiepocolypse. We also discuss our favorite political movies and the morality of going in to Syria.
We Are Libertarians – 009: A triumphant return
Chris, Creighton, and Chris return to discuss what the heck is happening in the Ron Paul campaign, where we have been, and what are the Canadians up to? Link
We Are Libertarians – 008: We slow jam Ron Paul news
Chris, Creighton, and Chris discuss the President on Jimmy Fallon, and can Ron Paul really win the GOP nomination? Hate mail can be sent to wearelibertarians@gmail.com. Listen or Download here.
We Are Libertarians – 007: How To Organize a Campus and Differences Between Boomer And Millennial Libertarians
Chris, Creighton, Chris and special guest Andrew Reno discuss how to lead and organize a libertarian organization, especially on college campuses. They also discuss how to deal with rifts in your organization and the libertarian movement, and the diffe…