Dr. Ron Paul(image credit: paul.house.gov)There’s been a lot of chatter in the blogosphere and the news lately about whether Ron Paul may abandon the Republican Party and choose to run for President on a third party ticket. It’s not exactly a sur…
Archive | Libertarian
It’s Time for “Indiana Week in Review” to Add a Libertarian to the Panel
Indiana Week in Review has had a wonderful discussion on Indiana news and happenings, mostly of a political nature, for twenty years now. The show is moderated by Jim Shella, and uses four panel members to interject their point-o…
Bill Levin Puts Out Straight Forward Commercial
At-Large City-County Council candidate Bill Levin (L) has a new commercial hitting th airwaves. A link to it has been making its way around Facebook.In it, Levin takes a simple and straightforward approach. Tired of the way the Republicans and Democrat…
Coleman Goes Prime-Time
City-Councillor Ed Coleman, seeking re-election in the Southside’s 24th District, has released a couple of commercials. If you live on that side of town, you may have already noticed it hitting the airwaves, most notably during the last couple of…
Former Indiana Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Horning Annouces Bid for U.S. Senate
Andrew HorningAndrew Horning, the 2008 Libertarian Party Candidate for Indiana Governor, issued a press release today announcing his candidacy for United States Senate in 2012. Horning received 2.1% of the votes in his 2008 campaign.His press release, …