Libertarians have been around long enough to have had good years and bad years. They’ve won a few elections here and there, and have been appointed to plenty of offices. People have shown an enormous interest in their political philosophy, …
Archive | Rupert Boneham
Gubernatorial Candidate Rupert Boneham Announces Birthday Money Bomb
Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Rupert Boneham has announced plans for a money bomb style fundraiser. Designed to be part of his 48th birthday celebration, the campaign plans has set a goal to raise $48,000 by his January 27th birthday.Boneha…
White Decision of Huge Importance to Indiana’s Libertarian Party
Secretary of State Charlie WhiteWednesday morning at 9am, a judge will make a decision regarding whether Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White gets to remain in office. First glance at the decision would lead you to believe that the people mos…
Indy Star Decides Rupert is not a Candidate Worth Mentioning
Rupert Boneham(image credit: The Indy Star’s Mary Beth Schneider had an article in today’s paper about a candidate for Indiana Governor. It started of with a lengthy discussion about how this candidate refused …
So…Who is Rupert Boneham, Outside of Survivor?
Now that Rupert has made an official announcement that he will seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination for Governor of Indiana (see my story here), I decided to delve a little bit more into who, exactly, is Rupert Boneham…other than the guy ever…