I almost fell out of my chair when I heard Charles Krauthammer say this on Fox News last night, but good! The video is excellent. Watch it here. “I don’t want regulations, I don’t want restrictions, I want a ban on this. Drones are in…
Archive | The Facts Were These…
Chris Spangle’s Blog 2012-05-01 13:11:39
Doing Big Things
Democrats are a coalition of special interest groups that come together to elect politicians that will assist those special interest groups. Republicans are monolithic. Any diversion from the common line is usually met with punishment. Libertarians nee…
Debt Makes You Compromise Your Values
You may have heard about China’s policy of forcing abortions and sterilizing women in an effort to force families to only have one child. You know of this policy because of a brave whistleblower named Chen Guangcheng. Here is a scene inside China’…
Chris Spangle’s Blog 2012-04-29 15:59:22
The difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets… Will Rodgers