The guys discuss the election results, why Mitt lost, why Mourdock lost, why Petraus resigned, why did an FBI agent send shirtless photos?, what Ron Paul leaves behind, and what will the libertarian movement do now? Creighton also reads his awesome message to Ron Paul supporters in the third half hour. This is our last […]
Archive | We Are Libertarians
We Are Libertarians – 025: Sandy, Charity, Abortion, and Tuesday
The guys discuss Sandy, private charity and FEMA, Mourdock’s abortion comments, and other election related issues.
We Are Libertarians – 024: Debates!
The guys discuss the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates, the Indiana Governor and Senate debates, and the media. Thanks to Brian Wallen for our new theme music!
We Are Libertarians – 023: Gangam Style, Tea Parties, and then The Fight
The seeds of last week’s passive aggression bubble over in to plain-old aggression over discussing conspiracies. We also discuss types of personalities in politics and what the heck happened to the tea party.
We Are Libertarians – 022: Discord, Bad Cords, and Property Rights
In a show filled with co-host discord, bad cords, and James Nease, the guys go deep in the philosophy of mutualism vs. anarcho-capitalism, property rights, eminent domain, and the future of the economy after QE 3.