National Debt After Each Administration – 1976 to present

(note: this article is periodically updated just to keep the data current)

The national debt, per capita after each Presidential administration [election year] from Ford (1976) to Obama (Present):

(figures are approximate)

1976 After Gerald Ford – $2,844
1980 After Jimmy Carter – $4,352
1988 After Ronald Reagan – $12,000
1992 After George HW Bush – $15,875
2000 After Bill Clinton – $20,121
2008 After George W. Bush – $31,600

[Interim Update: 2011] After Barack Obama – $46,326 [and still counting]
[Interim Update: 07-2012] Obama – $51,000 [and still counting]

2012 After Obama (1st term) – $52,300 [and still counting]
2013 (Nov)

One Response to National Debt After Each Administration – 1976 to present

  1. National Debt August 15, 2011 at 1:16 pm #

    The national debt is not going to decrease anytime soon. Serious cuts must be made. They need to cut the spending in half in order to really start to see a change. We are heading towards the debt wall if nothing changes.