Libertarian Party of Marion County
LPMC Contact: Timothy Maguire, LPMC Chairman, 317.372.6436 or
LPMC Website:
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – The Libertarian Party of Marion County (LPMC) held its annual County Convention on April 10. The purpose of the convention was to nominate candidates for office, select delegates for the State Convention, and amend the Party’s by-laws.
The convention was a great success involving multiple contested races and a report that the financial health of the Party has improved nearly three-fold. The following individuals received the Party’s nomination for County offices:
Garry Adams, Franklin Township Trustee
Mike Bishop, Pike Township Constable
Drew Bisson, Wayne Township Trustee
Christopher Bowen, Lawrence Township Trustee
Zachary Capehart, Center Township Trustee
Richard Cunningham, Washington Township Trustee
Jon Henderson, Perry Township Trustee
James Madjak, Marion County Assessor
Erik Morris, Pike Township Trustee
Jared Wales, Decatur Township Trustee
The LPMC amended its by-laws to select two additional at-large members to its Executive Committee. Patrick Culley and Matt Wittlief were selected by the attendees to these positions. Culley and Wittlief currently serve as LPMC Political Director and Communications Director respectively. Allison Maguire, who is running for the Pike Township School Board this May, was re-elected to serve as the District Seven Representative to the State Central Committee of the Party.
They also passed a non-binding resolution in support of Wayne Allyn Root, Mark Rutherford and Rebecca Sink-Burris in their upcoming races at the Party’s National Convention. The convention will be held over Memorial Day weekend in St. Louis, Missouri. Root is seeking the Chair of the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) and was the 2008 Libertarian Vice-Presidential candidate. Rutherford served as the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Indiana from 2000-2007 and seeks the Vice-Chairmanship of the LNC. Sink-Burris currently serves as the Region Three Representative to the LNC and is running for an at-large position on the LNC.
The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States, and is the only non-major party with ballot access in the state of Indiana. Libertarians believe in a small non-intrusive government that is financially responsible, administratively competent and socially tolerant.