Author Archive | markrutherford
Judicial Committee Opinion of Wagner v. LNC
A Libertarian Perspective on the August 2011 “Week of Woe”
From Atlas Liberty PAC:A Libertarian Perspective on the August 2011 “Week of Woe”The news headlines last week were unlike any we’ve seen before: “S.& P. Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating for the First Time”.The Democrats and Republicans who have be…
Libertarian Party Vice-Chair Response on US Credit Downgrade
Mark Rutherford, Vice-Chair of the national Libertarian Party states:“The solutions are simple to muster, simply spend less. The political change is hard. I implore you not to vote out of anger or fear, but instead out of reason. Look for and suppor…
2010 Indiana Libertarian Candidates – For the Memory Hole
2010 INDIANA LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATESMay Election:Allison Maguire, Pike Township (Indianapolis) School BoardJo Coleman, Indianapolis School Board At-largeNovember Election:United State Senator: Rebecca Sink-BurrisCongressional House District 1: Jon Morri…