A friend recently asked for my .OPML of podcasts and RSS feeds. I scroll through a ton of material to feed several beasts, and have collected, weeded, and sorted a system of RSS feeds that work for me. I figured I’d share them here in case anyone is interested. RIGHT CLICK, SAVE FILE Podcasts – […]
Archive | Blog
The Self-Absorption of the Syrian Discussion
It is completely self-absorbed and arrogant to launch military strikes on another country to save the credibility of a President, the Presidency, or a nation. This really hit home last night as I watched an interview with a Syrian activist. His message: Save your bombs. You don’t care about us anyways, and you’ve now put […]
Video: Former FBI Agent Admits All Digital Communications Are Recorded and Accessible to the U.S. Gov.
In an interview May 1, 2013 on CNN’s Erin Burnett Show, former FBI Counterterrorism Agent, Tim Clemente surprised many by stating that the U.S. Government has access to all digital communications. This means only one thing, everything we do and say on the phone, text messages, over email, social networking and other digital communications are […]
Spangle: Obama in 2007: No More Wiretapping Of Citizens – LOL
Senator Barack Obama at Woodrow Wilson Center on Terrorism, 8/1/07:
Spangle: How Much Blame should the GOP get for the NSA Scandal?
Republicans, you know how mad you are at Obama for this NSA phone tapping scandal? Let’s look at the politicians you vote for. Let’s take current Indiana Governor Mike Pence, a so-called champion of liberty. Take a look at this, and then start asking them questions: “Congressman Pence voted yes on allowing federal government electronic […]