Archive | News Roundup

News Roundup – January 27, 2013

Click Read More to view this weekend’s news roundup. Thanks for reading! [View the story “News Roundup – January 27, 2013” on Storify] News Roundup – January 27, 2013 Storified by Chris Spangle· Sun, Jan 27 2013 11:33:12 Commentary: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Episode 30 – Obama 2.0, Hitler 2.0, 2016 and Rand PaulJanuary 25, 2013 Podcast The guys […]

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News Roundup for January 25, 2013

This is the news roundup for January 25, 2012. Click to read more after the jump. (We’re working to improve the format to be a little easier to navigate! Hope it helps. If you have issues with Storify loading, then click reload.) Reload if you have issues with Storify loading. [View the story “News Roundup […]

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News Roundup – January 24, 2012

Click Read More to see today’s news roundup. [View the story “News Roundup – January 24, 2013” on Storify] News Roundup – January 24, 2013 Storified by Chris Spangle· Thu, Jan 24 2013 15:19:09 DIFI Gun Bill: Dianne Feinstein unveils assault weapons ban – Ginger GibsonSen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday rolled out a controversial piece […]

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News Roundup – January 23, 2013

The News Roundup for January 21, 2013. Click read more! [View the story “News Roundup January 23, 2013” on Storify] News Roundup January 23, 2013 Storified by Chris Spangle· Wed, Jan 23 2013 18:25:11 Benghazi: Says a Clinton? “Let’s avoid turning everything into a political football.” Benghazi recap #tlot #tcot #libertarian Are Libertarians House […]

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News Roundup – January 21, 2013

News of the day for January 21, 2013 [View the story “News Roundup – January 21, 2013” on Storify] News Roundup – January 21, 2013 Storified by Chris Spangle· Mon, Jan 21 2013 15:48:08 Adrienne LaFrance’s Twitter PhotoAdrienne LaFrance Charles Dharapak’s Twitter PhotoCharles Dharapak Obama Cites Nation’s Ideals in Call to Act #tlot #tcot #libertarian […]

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