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Another Kashkari Update

A mere one day after the Washington Post article which I posted here on the new, rugged lifestyle that the former Interim Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability (that’s a mouthful) and “TARP czar”, Neel Kashkari, had found, we have…

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The Torture Loophole Preserved

Two hundred, thirty-three years ago:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…We all know that the injustice of slavery clouded the reality of these…

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Senator Bayh’s Response

I received a canned response from the office of Sen. Bayh (D-IN) this week in reply to my email to him asking that he oppose Bernanke’s reappointment. While I specifically focused on the reappointment, his response appeared to be his generic response t…

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