Important information, dates, times, and logistics of the 2020 LPMC Convention.
Author Archive | LPMC
Notice of proposed LPMC bylaws revision
A proposed change to the LPMC Bylaws will be voted on at our January 11, 2020 convention.
An open letter to the IBJ about Indy’s mayoral debate
August 29th is the Indy Chamber’s annual HobNob. At the end of the HobNob is a debate between two of the three candidates for Indianapolis Mayor. The Libertarian Party of Marion County is being excluded from the debate. Our candidate, Douglas McNaughton, is not invited. The Chamber is not organizing the debate portion. For their […]
Take part in the Great Indy Clean-Up Day this April 27th
The Libertarian Party of Marion County is assembling a crew of volunteers to help us clean up an area of Sherman Ave. south of 16th and north of Michigan Street on Indy’s east side.
Libertarian Party of Marion County nominates candidates, elects local leadership
At the Libertarian Party of Marion County’s 2019 Convention, voting delegates selected candidates for 2019 municipal elections, delegates to the LPIN Convention in March, and elected local Party leadership.