Indiana Libertarian Christopher Bowen has been endorsed by the Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #86 for Lawrence Township Trustee.
Author Archive | LPMC
The Rutherford Report 9-15-10
Here’s may latest list of “best bets” for Libertarian candidates:Best bets for Libertarian wins for state legislature (in no particular order):1. Tim Mullen, 120th Pennsylvania State House, www.votemullen.com2. Bill Yarbrough, 9th Ohio State Senate, …
Big Brother Ballard and New License Plate Readers
The Republicans are getting really good at being Big Brother, making it even harder for the Democrats to keep up (unfortunately the D’s are getting really good at it as well).Learn more about the new license plate readers purchased for the Indianapolis…
Rebecca Sink-Burris Is Featured on Front Page of Indianapolis Star
Indiana Libertarian United States Senate Candidate Rebecca Sink-Burris is featured on the front page of today’s (September 6, 2010) Indianapolis Star. Click here for the article on the Star website. Click here for the Indianapolis Star home page, go …
The Mosque Issue
No matter where you stand on the issue of the Islamic Center they want to build near Ground Zero, I’m sure of one thing: You are sick of hearing about it. Me, too.I have to admit, I do find the choice of location for the Mosque to be suspicious. Und…