The Rutherford Report 9-15-10

Here’s may latest list of “best bets” for Libertarian candidates:Best bets for Libertarian wins for state legislature (in no particular order):1. Tim Mullen, 120th Pennsylvania State House, www.votemullen.com2. Bill Yarbrough, 9th Ohio State Senate, www.yarbroughforohio.com3. Joseph Hauptmann, 87th Indiana State House, www.electjoeh.com4. Rex Bell, 54th Indiana State House, www.electrexbell.com5. Scott Kolhaas, 20th Alaska State House, www.scottforhouse.org6. Brendan Kelly, 14th New Hampshire State House, www.brendankellylpnh.comBest bets for best percentage of votes for US House (in no particular order):1. Carlos Rodriguez, US House District 28 California, www.rodriguezgoestowashington.com2. Edward Gonzalez, US House District 16 California, www.edwardmgonzalez.com3. Jim Prindle, US House District 4, Texas, www.prindleforcongress.com4. John Jay Myers, US House District 32, Texas, www.johnjaymyers.com5. Chard Reid, US House District 5, Indiana, www.beatburton.comSupport these candidates with money and/or time. Tell them you learned about them through The Rutherford Report. Spread my list to your Libertarian friends.Like any good oddsmaker, I’ll change the list as I learn new information. Give me new information!!! Thanks.

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