Most people in the liberty movement are well aware of Peter Schiff. Peter Schiff is the president of Euro-Pacific Capital and is running to be the Republican nominee for Chris Dodd’s soon to be vacant Senate seat in Connecticut. Peter is frequently f…
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Why you are unemployed? The Failure of decades of government violence attempting to narrow economic inequity.
Here is part one:
Want to Win an Election – Get Robert Butler’s Handbook and Workbook
Robert Butler, Executive Director of the Libertarian Party of Texas, has written 18 Steps to Win a Local Election, consisting of an handbook and workbook.I highly recommend both of these to Libertarians running for office.Both the handbook and workbook…
New Indiana gun laws go into effect and should be applauded.
A series of new Indiana Gun Laws went into effect July 1st. These laws do a wonderful job at protecting both the rights of gun owners, as well as their privacy.The first law I will briefly discuss centers around the right of a legal gun owner to keep …
Take a Look at These Texas Libertarian Candidates
As Libertarian Party national Vice Chair – I hear a lot about campaigns across the nation. A lot of good reports come from Texas.The Texas Libertarian Party has really grown over the last six years, and is running very good candidates, and lots of the…