I am seeking the Vice Chairmanship of the Libertarian Party at its national convention in St. Louis this May 28th through 31st.
Author Archive | LPMC
What is “Panarchy” ??
Somebody sent me a message on Facebook today (feel free to look me up and friend me) asking what “Panarchy” was. Panarchy is an idea that I’ve become very interested in because it is a concept that provides for open competition between systems of gove…
Latest News
Folks, my limited blogging on this site is likely going to continue. I am going to be the campaign manager for Mike Wherry who is the likely nominee for Indiana Secretary of State for the Libertarian Party. Of course, we will welcome your support since…
Chard Reid Seeks LPIN Nomination for 5th Congressional District
Chard Reid is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana nomination for Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District this Saturday, April 21st. He is an Economics teacher at Heritage Christian School in Indianapolis.He also is a graduate of Anderson University.
Allison Maguire for Pike Township School Board (Indianapolis)
Allison Maguire has a new website! http://allisonmaguire.wordpress.com/ Allison Maguire – Pike Township School Board Allison Maguire for Pike Township School Board allisonmaguire.wordpress.com I don’t have kids, but I pay property taxes, and I know how to budget. I will never vote to raise your property taxes, but will instead ensure that your money is used to […]