In an all too frequent political discussion on Facebook, this time with Brian Gaddie, one of my unashamed far left liberal friends, he kindly pointed out that he appreciated Congressman Ron Paul’s opposition to torture. This prompted a quick thought …
Archive | government
Ron Paul, CPAC and Loathing by the Ideologically Unprincipled and Intellectually Dishonest
By LPMC on February 13, 2011 in conservative, CPAC, foreign intervention, gay marriage, government, Libertarian, ron paul
Conservatives have a real problem in Texas congressman Ron Paul.Ron Paul doesn’t think the United States should claim to be all about “freedom” and “democracy” while sending billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to foreign dictators. The people o…
What is “Panarchy” ??
Somebody sent me a message on Facebook today (feel free to look me up and friend me) asking what “Panarchy” was. Panarchy is an idea that I’ve become very interested in because it is a concept that provides for open competition between systems of gove…