The folks at want to know what happened to the anti-war movement. Especially relevant now that Obama’s dropping bombs of his own.I love the stat that, despite being nearly identical, Obama’s foreign policy has a 78% approval rating where W’s …
Archive | libya
Sen. Jim Webb: “This isn’t the way the system is supposed to work.”
Senator Webb, a Democrat, lays out why he has serious problems with Obama’s actions. Sen. Jim Webb on MSNBC via the Daily Caller.
The Plain Truth on Wars of Intervention
Can the government wage war on the behalf of Americans without their consent? Watch the latest video at
United States Bombs Libya – So Much For The Change You Can Believe In!
Just more evidence that there is barely a dime’s worth of difference between the two major political cults (parties) once they are in power. The United States just initiated violence against a country that has not attacked us. Sure, there may be some…