Archive | nra

Why the Starbucks Gun Carrying Statement Doesn’t Bother Me at All, and Why Gun Advocates May be to Blame

Well here we go.  Again. If you follow anything resembling politics at all, you have undoubtedly heard by now…Starbucks says no guns. You know how it all started…a few months ago some patrons at a Starbucks felt uncomfortable in the presence of another Starbucks customer that was legally open carrying their firearm.  (For those that […]

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Self Defense in City Parks, Washington State Validates Right to Carry and Gun Free Zones Continue to Be Violence Magnets

A female Superior Court judge in King County, Washington has ruled in favor of individuals who sought to end a ban on carrying firearms in city parks. Judge Catherine Shaffer did not mince words in her order, part of which was handwritten and issued f…

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