In an all too frequent political discussion on Facebook, this time with Brian Gaddie, one of my unashamed far left liberal friends, he kindly pointed out that he appreciated Congressman Ron Paul’s opposition to torture. This prompted a quick thought …
Archive | ron paul
Ron Paul and Republicans: It’s Decision Time
Dr. Ron Paul(image credit:’s been a lot of chatter in the blogosphere and the news lately about whether Ron Paul may abandon the Republican Party and choose to run for President on a third party ticket. It’s not exactly a sur…
Ron Paul’s Website Attacked During Online Fundraiser
Libertarian-leaning presidential contender and congressman Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX) turned 76 years old yesterday. As part of his birthday celebration, Dr. Paul and his campaign team decided to hold a “money-bomb,” or day-long online fundraising push.The co…
Interest on the Debt Consumes Almost HALF of Personal Income Taxes
I attended Congressman Dan Burton’s (R-IN 5th) town hall in Carmel this past evening and was pleased to hear him reference some cooperative efforts he has with Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) but he said something very early on in his talk about U.S. fisca…
Ron Paul Prepares To Enter 2012 Presidential Race
As the liberty rumor mill heats up this evening over the prospect that Texas Congressman Ron Paul is preparing to announce the formation of his 2012 presidential exploratory committee the headline on Drudge seeming to indicate the eve of welcome news. …