Only 30 more IQ points, and he and I will be even… I hope he can make them up… 🙂 Ok… I am a little jealous of this kid’s gift.
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The Black Plague’s Friday: An Orchestral Remix
This is pretty awesome: My heart sank when I heard that the original was pulled from YouTube, but apparently it’s “all good.” It was just a hacked account.
Jacob Barnett, The Next Einstein?
I heard about Jacob Barnett recently on a national radio show, but forgot to Google him. Luckily, Yahoo! News ran an article on him today. He has an IQ of 170, and is a gifted kid that is working on disproving the big bang theory at twelve: Jake has So…
An Interview with Casey “The Punisher”
I think most people grew up bullied. As a fat kid, I was. (I’ve always joke that politics is the tyranny of the unpopular kids.) My heart really goes out to this kid. –30–