I am going to write another entry tonight (or at least start it), but wanted to get some housekeeping out of the way first. I haven’t been writing much lately. I have a myriad of excuses, but it’s time for action instead. So, I’m hoping this will kick off some regularly scheduled writing going forward.A fair bit has transpired over the last couple of months. Health insurance reform is close to passing, although it is not entirely a forgone conclusion. 2010 is here which means elections for the House and over 1/3 of the Senate. We’ve had an attempted terrorist attack, more frequent Ron Paul sightings in the mainstream media, plenty of news on the economy, and much more.The Indiana General Assembly is in session where property tax caps and ethics reform will be at the heart of the debate. The Daniels administration has continued to make cuts as revenues have failed to keep pace with the budget.I’ll cover all this and much more over the coming weeks. Enjoy!
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