Responsibile, competent, and tolerant Libertarianism.

Welcome to the website of the Libertarian Party of Marion County in Indiana. We are affiliated with the national Libertarian Party and the Libertarian Party of Indiana. The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States and is the only non-major party with ballot access in the state of Indiana. Marion County is home to Indianapolis and is the largest affiliated county in Indiana.

Libertarians believe in being SERVED by a small, non-intrusive government that is financially responsible, administratively competent and socially tolerant.

"Libertarians believe the answer to America's political problems is the same commitment to freedom that earned America its greatness: a free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings; a dedication to civil liberties and personal freedom that marks this country above all others; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade as prescribed by America's founders." (Source: The Libertarian Party: A Short History, 2000)

LPMC Business Meeting

Indianapolis Libertarian Meetups The official business meeting for the Libertarian Party of Marion County.  Join us at 6pm for dinner! We’ll be meeting on the second floor of the Antelope Club, 615 N. Delaware St. Indianapolis, IN. This is a private club, but a number of Libertarians have joined, enabling us to reserve the room […]

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Rutherford’s Atlas Liberty PAC

After the 2006 Libertarian Party national convention, I founded Atlas Liberty PAC along with several friends. It formally started in September 2006. Its mission is to provide Libertarian candidates (and parties) at all levels the practical, nuts-an…

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Did You Know?

I meet with Indianapolis City-County Councilor Ed Coleman before every council meeting to discuss the agenda and proposed ordinances. George Edwards, John Meuser and Tim Maguire often join Ed and me too at these meetings.My political action committee …

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Good Evening

It is good to have some time to update The Rutherford Report.Ed Coleman for Indianapolis City-County Council District 24 is working hard on his re-election campaign.Check out the web site of Atlas Liberty, PAC, my political action committee, at www.atl…

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