As if we need more evidence that most US Senators are disingenuous, Chuck Schumer accidentally gave marching orders to fellow Democrats while reporters were listening: And it worked.
Author Archive | LPMC
Jacob Barnett, The Next Einstein?
I heard about Jacob Barnett recently on a national radio show, but forgot to Google him. Luckily, Yahoo! News ran an article on him today. He has an IQ of 170, and is a gifted kid that is working on disproving the big bang theory at twelve: Jake has So…
The Plain Truth on Wars of Intervention
Can the government wage war on the behalf of Americans without their consent? Watch the latest video at
United States Bombs Libya – So Much For The Change You Can Believe In!
Just more evidence that there is barely a dime’s worth of difference between the two major political cults (parties) once they are in power. The United States just initiated violence against a country that has not attacked us. Sure, there may be some…