Notice of proposed LPMC bylaws revision

At our January 11, 2020 Convention, the LPMC will be holding a vote on a change to our bylaws. The current bylaw is written below. The addition and change is highlighted in bold.

Section 2. Attendance and Participation

Attendance at the Annual Convention is open to the public. A nominal fee may be charged each attendee by the LPMC to defray the cost of the convention facilities. LPIN members living in Marion County may speak and vote in said conventions on the nomination of candidates and the selection of delegates to the state convention. Only LPMC or LPIN members in good standing for a period of 20 continuous days prior to the Convention date may speak and vote in said conventions on the election of LPMC Officers and amendments to these by-laws.

The full, currently-adopted bylaws can be found online here.

The vote on this bylaw change will be at 6 pm at the Athenaeum, 401 East Michigan Street, in the Wilkie Room on January 11, 2020.

Comments are closed.