I think most people grew up bullied. As a fat kid, I was. (I’ve always joke that politics is the tyranny of the unpopular kids.) My heart really goes out to this kid. –30–
Responsibile, competent, and tolerant Libertarianism.
Welcome to the website of the Libertarian Party of Marion County in Indiana. We are affiliated with the national Libertarian Party and the Libertarian Party of Indiana. The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States and is the only non-major party with ballot access in the state of Indiana. Marion County is home to Indianapolis and is the largest affiliated county in Indiana.
Libertarians believe in being SERVED by a small, non-intrusive government that is financially responsible, administratively competent and socially tolerant.
"Libertarians believe the answer to America's political problems is the same commitment to freedom that earned America its greatness: a free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings; a dedication to civil liberties and personal freedom that marks this country above all others; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade as prescribed by America's founders." (Source: The Libertarian Party: A Short History, 2000)
Sen. Jim Webb: “This isn’t the way the system is supposed to work.”
Senator Webb, a Democrat, lays out why he has serious problems with Obama’s actions. Sen. Jim Webb on MSNBC via the Daily Caller.
The Plain Truth on Wars of Intervention
Can the government wage war on the behalf of Americans without their consent? Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com
United States Bombs Libya – So Much For The Change You Can Believe In!
Just more evidence that there is barely a dime’s worth of difference between the two major political cults (parties) once they are in power. The United States just initiated violence against a country that has not attacked us. Sure, there may be some…