Independents & Libertarians: Vote for School Board

Tuesday, May 4, is Primary Election Day. Libertarians don’t waste taxpayer money with primaries, BUT THAT IS NO REASON TO STAY HOME ON MAY 4!

Everyone is given three choices when arriving to the polls on Primary Day: a Republican Ballot, a Democrat Ballot, or a SCHOOL BOARD ONLY Ballot. While voting Republican or Democrat is dirty and will go on your permanent record, School Board races are non-partisan and should be voted on by everyone (schools control 50% of your property taxes). Pike & Washington Twp’s will also have a public question that you’ll want to answer.

So go vote on May 4, 6am-6pm, and ask for the School Board Only Ballot. Then, come to the Liberty Election Night Party 6pm – 10pm at Claude & Annie’s (Pike Plaza) – 5162 Pike Plaza Road, Indianapolis, 46254, hosted by the Ogden/Maguire team for School Board.  Facebook Event:

The following candidates for School Board are endorsed by the Libertarian Party of Marion County:

Allison Maguire, Pike Twp School Board
Paul Ogden, Pike Twp School Board
Jo Coleman, IPS School Board

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